Friday, November 28, 2008


Hello Everyone,
This'll be a nice short blog. I just wanted to wish all my bloggers a Happy Thanksgiving, although now it's Friday so everyone already had Thanksgiving. In any case, I am in Auburn with an overcast sky and will most likely see a children's movie.
Oh maybe the better thing is to wish every one happy Black Friday. Do you think African Americans have protested the name of today? In any case, I hope everyone is not out shopping or if you are, then bring kneepads. Juicebox wanted to go out this morning, but he didn't have his protective head gear. And you know soccer moms-he'd be squished in a second!

1 comment:

JazzyAbby said...

loloool.... no black Friday in Korea :( o well... saves me money... You and juicebox better get out there an buy my Christmas