Friday, November 28, 2008


Hello Everyone,
This'll be a nice short blog. I just wanted to wish all my bloggers a Happy Thanksgiving, although now it's Friday so everyone already had Thanksgiving. In any case, I am in Auburn with an overcast sky and will most likely see a children's movie.
Oh maybe the better thing is to wish every one happy Black Friday. Do you think African Americans have protested the name of today? In any case, I hope everyone is not out shopping or if you are, then bring kneepads. Juicebox wanted to go out this morning, but he didn't have his protective head gear. And you know soccer moms-he'd be squished in a second!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Twilight day

Hello Everyone again!
Today was a very odd day. It began with church surrounded by little children and a sermon on goats and ended with screaming teenagers-but no other animals. Well church was relatively normal-I sat in back of a couple who had two children and one on the way. I really thought she was going to give birth right there, luckily she didn't. When I left, it was overcast so I figured what a great day to see Twilight.
I must tell you I really didn't want to see this movie because I kind of wanted to throw the book in the garbage at least ten times-sorry Stephanie Meyer if you are reading this, but then again if you are reading this then you aren't that famous of an author- but I went. So the theatre was literally packed to the brim with teenager girls. One of the parent's around me referred to the movie as this generations' Titanic. I thought that's going a bit overboard. The teenage girl in front of me had already seen it four times. Anyway, there was so much whistling and hoot hooting (I don't know if that's the proper word) that it was nearly impossible to fall asleep to the dull movie. When I walked out, my ears were ringing and I thought "Should've seen Quantom of Solace." In any case I can say I've seen it and I know the opinion of many swooning fifteen year olds.
Other than that, simply business law homework. Juicebox went hiking today. I hope he doesn't fall in a hole like last time! Don't worry-I gave him a rope and a walkie talkie with great range so he can call me. However I just remembered I don't talk Koala.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

UCSB and Juicebox

Hello again everyone!
So I visited yet another college but this was actually for a purpose. I had to photograph a building in UCSB. My goodness what a campus. I have a feeling I would never study there. In any case, Juicebox is still a bit depressed so I decided he could come along. He jumped in my camera bag-don't worry I left an airhole for him- and we were on our way.
Now I'd been to UCSB twice before due to troublesome film and was nearly run over by bicycles so I warned Juicebox to be careful. Unfortunately as soon as I unzipped my camera bag he hopped out and walked away. I tried to catch him but Juicebox is on this new diet where it makes him incredibly fast so he was gone in a second. I let him roam around for a bit (big mistake) and took my shots (with a camera not tequila shots). I packed up my camera and then I saw him right in front of the building. He waved his furry little paw. I yelled, C'Mon Juicebox. Time to go."
He scurried over to me and unfortunately did not look both ways when crossing the street and caused a Japanese college student to fall over. Juicebox quickly ran towards me, jumped in the camera bag and we were on our way. As for the college student, she's alright. No cuts or bruises. I think she was more surprised to see a running koala than anything else. Well, hope everyone is having a splendid day. Blog you soon!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What ever happened to Leonardo?

So I should've prefaced the previous blog with an explanation of just what happened to Leonardo. I really thought they'd be the next Ross and Rachel but alas no. So Juicebox and Leonardo did everything together, they went to the Monterey Bars and ordered peach smoothies. Leonardo would lovingly put Juicebox in a cyllindrical box. They would go mountain climbing. They spent every minute together.
Then something happened. Juicebox-as you all know has a fear of microwaves. Leonardo initally was okay with this, but then he began to crave EasyMac. One day he succumbed to the craving and surprised Juicebox with EasyMac for dinner. As soon as Juicebox put a macaroni in his mouth, he could taste the microwave. He gave Leonardo an ultimatum-either him or the microwave.
They spent a day apart. Juicebox was so annoying that day because he was constantly talking to me about how much he missed Leonardo's fur. The next day Leonardo returned and he chose the microwave. Juicebox was heartbroken. Now he can't even bear to look at a microwave.
Now, though Juicebox is attempting the club scene down in Santa Barbara. I told him if we ever play hide and seek again-he would have to return within 24 hours and would automatically win.
So now you all know....and you know why I can't have EasyMac in the house.
Well, I don't know if you all would like to hear about my day-but here it is. I have to do four, count them, four assignments by next Tuesday. So I will probably remain being antisocial this week. Other than that, I keep getting sheets for early Christmas presents. Wow-Santa must really want me to sleep! Thanks to everyone who's sending me sheets!
I really must go now-the only show I religiously watch is about to start-yay "Fringe." Joshua Jackson finally grew up (Oh Pacey) and became Mulder. Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone,
I've always wanted to join the blogging revolution so here I am. Watch out world. So why would anyone want to read this blog? You're reading it so you tell me-jk. Well, juicebox finally came back from a massive game of hide and seek. He was hiding in the bathtub drain of all places and wants his fame back so you'll be hearing alot about juicebox. For those who do not know-Juicebox is my lovable Koala who is also a homosexual. (I don't really want to type a blog of how that was figured out). He had a long term relationship with a koala from Venice name Leonardo but Leo left him because he could not handle Juicebox's fear of the microwave.
Other than reading Juicebox's rambunctious adventures, I'll attempt to tell you what's been the delio with my life. (Don't worry-I will never say delio again) As of right now, everyone knows I attend Brooks. So far it is tons of fun. I still don't like the competitive atmosphere. Make photographs not war. So I will figure out how to add photos and then you can look at them as ooh, aah, or go 'wow that sucks.'
You can also read my innermost thoughts and desires-actually no you can't because this is the internet, you don't know what kind of perverts are out there. Well I must be going now. I'm taking a break from writing the great American novel or attempting it anyway.