Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello everyone!

Hello Everyone,
It's the end of June which means the year is half over-can you believe it? Before you know it, it will be 2011. Juicebox isn't looking forward to that date because he's decided to stock up for the end of the world which is in 2012. I've told him this is ludicrous because we have so much time to stock up but he disagrees. He plans on getting peached iced tea that will fill ten freezers-where I will put them is another story entirely. I told him perhaps we should get toilet paper and paper towels too but he doesn't see a need for them since he never uses them so he plans on only having a roll of each.
However this is really far away, right now he's more concerned with my apartment and making it into his bachelor pad. I'm going to be at an internship in Napa for two months so I told him I'd leave him and instead of crying, he bumped up the volume on the boom box. (I think I have the last boom box in use). He moved my bed into the living room (I know, he brought over some pals-a gorilla is freakishly strong) and put a hammock there instead. He turned my desk into a smoothie bar and the television is constantly on "Clean house." I really hope that when I return, I won't find him hungover on Peach Iced tea. If so, I have experience cleaning up after his animal parties.
Well, I've gotta go. Hope everyone's June ends nicely and the heat along with the humidity doesn't put you in a foul mood like it does so often for me. Have a great day!


Jen said...

I am praying for you as you get ready for Napa!!

Nettie said...

Love the Juicebox saga, so entertaining thank Juicebox for me! I hope you have a safe and great time in Napa, and enjoy all you can in that area! I miss you and pray for you too! Love ya and send pics.